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Bruno Santana

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Posts postados por Bruno Santana

  1. 29 minutos atrás, IguinhoSurf disse:

    Preciso fazer um semi definitivo de um note 7, dei uma olhada nos topicos aqui e vi que era conectar ele na UMT e selecionar a opção "Remove Mi acc (new)" como nunca fiz semi definitivo alguém pode me informar se é só assim mesmo



    se vc tiver a umt e isso mesmo 

    tem que fazer o test point para entrar em edl 

  2. Em 31/08/2022 em 19:41, reset0 disse:

    Muito obrigado pelo post meu amigo. Quantos créditos foram usados? E.. da pra usar uma Fw baixada fora da ufi? pq antigamente não dava.

    gasta 6 credito 
    usa firmware de outro local sim 
    basta colocar a firmware dentroda da pasta da ufi que reconhece 

  3. 17 minutos atrás, isaac celulares disse:

    Senhores, estou com um A02 aqui na bancada sem imei. Segundo o cliente, ficou assim após troca do display. Tenho a box Z3X mas nunca peguei um aparelho com esse defeito, é minha primeira vez, alguem pode me dar alguma dica de por onde começar? Agradeço. 

    ai poder ser problema no sofware ou prblema na placa 
    tente fazer um sofware para ver se volta 
    se nao voltar tera que analizar a placa 

  4. sofware feito xiaomi note 11 (spes)

    Operation    : Multi Flash
    Checking for existing devices...Not Found
    Turn Off phone, hold Vol UP + Vol DOWN and insert USB cable.
    Some phones may need Special Boot Cable or TestPoint for EDL mode.
    Found Port    : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM40)
    Driver Info    : Lenovo Inc., leusbser.sys,
    Connecting to phone...OK
    Waiting for response...Ignored
    Init Handshake Sequence...OK
    Hardware ID    : E1801B00 [E1801B00] 00007200
    OPK_DATA    : 4B60244704D721E5B96DD5BB7233886E38F2198FBDE6433FCE1D25A7B0472DD7
    Initializing Protocol...OK
    Sending Loader [prog_firehose_ddr.elf]...Done
    Executing Loader...OK
    Auth Enabled Device! You may need Mi Auth Account to service!
    Skipping Auth...Failed
    Error Log    : PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiID8+CjxkYXRhPgo8bG9nIHZhbHVlPSJFUlJPUjogU2lnbmF0dXJlIFZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbiBGYWlsZWQuIiAvPjwvZGF0YT48P3htbCB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjAiIGVuY29kaW5nPSJVVEYtOCIgPz4KPGRhdGE+CjxyZXNwb25zZSB2YWx1ZT0iTkFLIiByYXdtb2RlPSJmYWxzZSIgLz48L2RhdGE+
    Reading Auth Blob...OK
    Requesting UMT Server for Auth Data...OK
    Credits Left: 15
    Detecting Storage Type...OK
    Hardware    : E1801B00, UFS, 128 GB
    LU Count    : 6 [0x01C45800] [0x00000800] [0x00000800] [0x00002000] [0x00180000] [0x00002000] 
    WARNING! High Speed Driver is not installed.
    Please install driver from QcFire\Drivers folder using Device Manager.
    Payload Info    : In: 262144 [65536], Out: 16384, Sector Size: 4096
    Reading Partition Table...OK
    Reading Device Information...OK
    Device    : Xiaomi
    Software    : , V13.0.12.0.RGCMIXM [Fri May 13 11:54:20 CST 2022]
    Android Ver.    : 11
    Patch Level    : 2022-05-01
    Processing [rawprogram0.xml]
    Writing [persist.img] -> [persist] ...Done
    Writing [cust.img ] -> [cust]...Done
    Writing [super.img ] -> [super]...Done
    Writing [vbmeta_system.img] -> [vbmeta_system_a] ...Done
    Writing [vbmeta_system.img] -> [vbmeta_system_b] ...Done
    Writing [metadata.img ] -> [metadata]...Done
    Writing [rescue.img ] -> [rescue]...Done
    Writing [userdata.img ] -> [userdata]...Done
    Writing [gpt_main0.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_backup0.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
    Applying Patches................Done
    Processing [rawprogram1.xml]
    Writing [xbl.elf] -> [xbl_a] ...Done
    Writing [xbl_config.elf] -> [xbl_config_a] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_main1.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_backup1.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
    Applying Patches................Done
    Processing [rawprogram2.xml]
    Writing [xbl.elf] -> [xbl_b] ...Done
    Writing [xbl_config.elf] -> [xbl_config_b] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_main2.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_backup2.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
    Applying Patches................Done
    Processing [rawprogram3.xml]
    Writing [gpt_main3.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_backup3.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
    Applying Patches................Done
    Processing [rawprogram4.xml]
    Writing [rpm.mbn] -> [rpm_a] ...Done
    Writing [tz.mbn] -> [tz_a] ...Done
    Writing [hyp.mbn] -> [hyp_a] ...Done
    Writing [NON-HLOS.bin] -> [modem_a] ...Done
    Writing [BTFM.bin] -> [bluetooth_a] ...Done
    Writing [abl.elf] -> [abl_a] ...Done
    Writing [dspso.bin] -> [dsp_a] ...Done
    Writing [km41.mbn] -> [keymaster_a] ...Done
    Writing [boot.img] -> [boot_a] ...Done
    Writing [devcfg.mbn] -> [devcfg_a] ...Done
    Writing [qupv3fw.elf] -> [qupfw_a] ...Done
    Writing [vbmeta.img] -> [vbmeta_a] ...Done
    Writing [dtbo.img] -> [dtbo_a] ...Done
    Writing [imagefv.elf] -> [imagefv_a] ...Done
    Writing [uefi_sec.mbn] -> [uefisecapp_a] ...Done
    Writing [vendor_boot.img] -> [vendor_boot_a] ...Done
    Writing [featenabler.mbn] -> [featenabler_a] ...Done
    Writing [config.bin] -> [multiimgoem_a] ...Done
    Writing [rpm.mbn] -> [rpm_b] ...Done
    Writing [tz.mbn] -> [tz_b] ...Done
    Writing [hyp.mbn] -> [hyp_b] ...Done
    Writing [NON-HLOS.bin] -> [modem_b] ...Done
    Writing [BTFM.bin] -> [bluetooth_b] ...Done
    Writing [abl.elf] -> [abl_b] ...Done
    Writing [dspso.bin] -> [dsp_b] ...Done
    Writing [km41.mbn] -> [keymaster_b] ...Done
    Writing [boot.img] -> [boot_b] ...Done
    Writing [devcfg.mbn] -> [devcfg_b] ...Done
    Writing [qupv3fw.elf] -> [qupfw_b] ...Done
    Writing [vbmeta.img] -> [vbmeta_b] ...Done
    Writing [dtbo.img] -> [dtbo_b] ...Done
    Writing [featenabler.mbn] -> [featenabler_b] ...Done
    Writing [imagefv.elf] -> [imagefv_b] ...Done
    Writing [uefi_sec.mbn] -> [uefisecapp_b] ...Done
    Writing [config.bin] -> [multiimgoem_b] ...Done
    Writing [logfs_ufs_8mb.bin] -> [logfs] ...Done
    Writing [storsec.mbn] -> [storsec] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_main4.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_backup4.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
    Applying Patches................Done
    Processing [rawprogram5.xml]
    Writing [gpt_main5.bin] -> [PrimaryGPT] ...Done
    Writing [gpt_backup5.bin] -> [BackupGPT] ...Done
    Applying Patches................Done
    Set Boottable Storage Drive to 1...Done
    Reading Partition Table...OK
    Resetting FRP Lock.......Done
    Resetting device...Done
    Operation Finished.
    QcFire Ver. 8.0

    note 11.jpg

    Sem título.jpg

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