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Ricardo Pereira

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Posts postados por Ricardo Pereira

  1. 10.07.2009 LG Rocker v1.13 released

    Whats new:

    • Fixed bug with 10b KU990iGo firmware causeing "Access violation"
    You can find new software release in support areas (LG Rocker and Rocker Dongle).

    Important !

    - When unlocking new phones (Year 2009) in some cases phone might have cached data in NAND, hence producing hang problem after first unlocking stage.

    To resolve this, just leave phone connected and wait aprox. 30 seconds before pressing "Unlock" button again.

    Log from successful unlock:

          Detecting phone...
     Detected phone on COM11. Connecting...OK
     Firmware: KU990iG-MSM6280-V10b-MAR-20-2009-XX
     Current mode: NORMAL
     Qualcomm chipset: MSM6280
     Preparing for communication...OK
     First unlock stage is in progress. Please wait...OK
     Please wait, your phone is being restarted...OK
     Detecting phone...
     Detected phone on COM11. Connecting...OK
     Current mode: PREPARED TO BOOT
     Qualcomm chipset: MSM6280
     Sending ramloader. Please wait...OK
     Starting ramloader. Please wait...OK
     Unlocking your phone...
     Reading data. Please wait...OK
     Reading mirror data. Please wait...OK
     Adding data to the Backup Database...OK
     Current simlock state: ALREADY UNLOCKED
     Restoring phone...OK[/B]
  2. 10.07.2009 LG Rocker v1.13 released

    Whats new:

    • Fixed bug with 10b KU990iGo firmware causeing "Access violation"
    You can find new software release in support areas (LG Rocker and Rocker Dongle).

    Important !

    - When unlocking new phones (Year 2009) in some cases phone might have cached data in NAND, hence producing hang problem after first unlocking stage.

    To resolve this, just leave phone connected and wait aprox. 30 seconds before pressing "Unlock" button again.

    Log from successful unlock:

     Detecting phone...
    Detected phone on COM11. Connecting...OK
    Firmware: KU990iG-MSM6280-V10b-MAR-20-2009-XX
    Current mode: NORMAL
    Qualcomm chipset: MSM6280
    Preparing for communication...OK
    First unlock stage is in progress. Please wait...OK
    Please wait, your phone is being restarted...OK
    Detecting phone...
    Detected phone on COM11. Connecting...OK
    Current mode: PREPARED TO BOOT
    Qualcomm chipset: MSM6280
    Sending ramloader. Please wait...OK
    Starting ramloader. Please wait...OK
    Unlocking your phone...
    Reading data. Please wait...OK
    Reading mirror data. Please wait...OK
    Adding data to the Backup Database...OK
    Current simlock state: ALREADY UNLOCKED
    Restoring phone...OK
  3. Hello all!

    as it was promised, we bring you new version of popular Ultimate Unlockers - v3.10 (D-Ultimate Unlocker & Cruiser Suite Ultimate Unlocker). The new version is again an Experimental Release (we still don't have locked A2 CID53 phone here).

    It is completely safe to use and we expect it will work correctly.

    Here is more info :

    Experimental version 3.10 [090709]

    • Added support for full instant unlock of all phones based on DB3210 chipset with CID 53 (C905, G705, W705, C510, W715, C901, C903, W995)
    • Supports full instant unlock of all phones based on DB3200 chipset with CID 53 (W508, T707)

    Rapidshare download links:

    Ultimate Unlockers typical features:

    • Short unlock time - typically 2 unlocks per minute
    • Instant unlock - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    • No modem drivers installation required anymore

    Addidtional features:

    • CID change (downgrade/upgrade)
    • supports USB DCU-60 and original Fighter/UC10/UC20 boxes + many their clones

    ENJOY !

  4. WHAT'S NEW !

    Alcatel OT363 unlock Supported (world first)

    Connecting ...

    Flash ID.: 98030000 , Toshiba 16 Mb.

    Firmware Ver. : 266

    Phone Type : 363X-2ARGES1

    Operator/Country : ORANGE / SPAIN

    Language : EN ES GAL BAS CAT

    Phone IMEI : 359675-02-022499-0

    Phone Connected Ok..

    Changing Speed Up 921600 Bps...

    Please Wait... Writing Firmware ...

    Please Wait... Finishing Writing...

    Please Wait... Formating...

    Can take about 120/240 seconds

    Writing Firmware Ok...

    Now please Wait 15/20 seconds...

    Until phone Power On completely...

    Phone Disconnected ...

    Fixed Repair Alcatel S520 with blank screen (Damaged by other tools)

    Flash files added to support :


    363x_ALEU_26A_Firmware(EN_FR_ES_IT_DE).zip (unlocked unbrand and decustomized)

    363x_ALCY_26A_Firmware(EN_RU_BUL_GR_ALB).zip (unlocked unbrand and decustomized)

    363x_ALGR_26A_Firmware(EN_RU_BUL_GR_ALB).zip (unlocked unbrand and decustomized)


    S520a_ALMX_45A_Firmware(EN_FR_ES_PT_BR_IT).zip (unlocked unbrand and decustomized)

    More Hot news Coming, just keep ur polar box connected Posted Image

    [ PB2 Team ]

    [ ]

    Posted Image

  5. iai pessoal td .tao d parabéns o organizadores do forum clan gsm organização perfeita ta 10000000...sempre q precisar tamo ai...vlw por essa oportunidade d aprender com os eras.....

    Ficamos muito agradeçidos amigo @fred.apipe esse é só o começo de nosso trabalho amigo

    que a cada dia aprimoramos para que vcs estejam reconheçendo nosso trabalho

    E venho de ante-mão avisar a todos os Usuarios muitas novidades viram

    Muitos Agradeçimentos,

    Equipe Clan GsM

  6. TMN e Vodafone lançam o HTC Magic

    A TMN e a Vodafone lançam hoje no mercado português o HTC Magic, um smartphone com o sistema operativo Android.

    O novo HTC Magic tem um ecrã táctil QVGA de 3,2 polegadas e utiliza uma trackball e teclas de acesso rápido para aceder à informação.

    O HTC Magic está equipado com o processador Qualcomm MSM 7200A a 528 Mhz, 512 MB de memória ROM, 288 MB de memória RAM, câmara fotográfica de 3,15 megapixéis, câmara de vídeo e leitor MP3.

    O HTC Magic na Vodafone é comercializado por 479,90 euros sem qualquer vinculação ou por valores inferiores mediante vinculação de 24 meses num dos planos best da Vodafone.

    Na TMN o novo smartphone será vendido por 474,90 euros no plano pré-pago e num plano de assinatura o preço irá ser de 99 euros por mês.

    FONTE: Telefonar.Com

  7. MDM Modem Service Tools V1.8.7.4

    What's new:

    - New firmware for Martech Box 2 Plus and Clip (autoupdate)

    - ZTE MF627 supported for new versions

    ALL functions ind MDM like Read codes, read flash codes are free for box owners with MDM Activations !

    If you have not supported modem then feel free to contact us.

    We will not forget Martech contributors :-)

    How to get this V1.8.7.4 ? It's simply - run mdm.exe and process of self update will begin. - the best choice for professionals.


    Here you can download latest version of our applications:

    Fully standalone solution for 39 euro only !

    Be READY ! For next BIG updates :-)

    Martech Team

    Posted Image

  8. MDM Modem Service Tools V1.8.7.4

    What's new:

    - New firmware for Martech Box 2 Plus and Clip (autoupdate)

    - ZTE MF627 supported for new versions

    ALL functions ind MDM like Read codes, read flash codes are free for box owners with MDM Activations !

    If you have not supported modem then feel free to contact us.

    We will not forget Martech contributors :-)

    How to get this V1.8.7.4 ? It's simply - run mdm.exe and process of self update will begin. - the best choice for professionals.


    Here you can download latest version of our applications:

    Fully standalone solution for 39 euro only !

    Be READY ! For next BIG updates :-)

    Martech Team

    Posted Image

  9. Posted Image

    GeoHot lançou uma fuga de presos para o iPhone 3GS chamados purplera1n. Atualmente ele é o Windows, mas apenas uma versão do Mac é esperado em breve.


    - Vista, Windows 7, Internacional, 64-bit apoio

    - Menos flakiness na carga

    - Cydia alcatrão limpo

    - Melhoria da exploração madeireira com um pouco mais útil erros

    - Novo kernel patches, codesign erros ido. Props posixninja

    - Adicionado vm_map + x, passou vm_check

    - Não winterboard ainda, mas agora que a bola está no campo Saurik do tribunal :-)

    Link para download

    Sua Versão Beta

    Use por sua conta e risco

    Guia fuga de presos

    Desbloquear Guia


    Espere Por DevTeam Solução

    PS: traduzido para melhor entendimento dos Usuarios

  10. Posted Image

    GeoHot has released a jailbreak for the iPhone 3GS called purplera1n. Currently it is windows only but a mac version is expected soon.


    - Vista, Windows 7, International, 64-bit support

    - Less flakiness in the payload

    - Cydia tar cleaned up

    - Improved logging with slightly more useful errors

    - New kernel patches, codesign errors gone. Props posixninja

    - Added vm_map +x, passed vm_check

    - No winterboard yet, but now that ball is in Saurik's court :-)


    Its Beta Version

    Use At Your Own Risk

    Jailbreak Guide

    Unlock Guide


    Wait For DevTeam Solution

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